It has almost been three years since the inception of Time Travels Through Sound. I would like to take this moment to recognize some of the people who have helped me on this quest.
Without the support of the following individuals, I would not be so close to my goal.
A Heartfelt Thank you...
for going above and beyond with editing and animating the Kickstarte campaign;
Enver Perez
for helping create and establish this idea, giving fearless feedback and listening;
Ayumi Alma Ueda founder of Women of the World, http://www.womenoftheworldmusic.com
Robert Marshall www.thenewburymediagroup.com
Louka Panourgias http://www.mld-productions.com
Berkay Birecikli http://berkaybirecikli.com
Cem Eskinazi http://www.cemeskinazi.com
Parker Simon http://www.parker-simon.com
Fulya Atalay http://www.fulyaatalay.com.tr
Tunahan E. Bilgin, Erika Solyom, Pervin Yanikkaya Aydemir, Alex Benton, Juri Ify Love, Sam Swan, Galen Ellis, Eren Başbuğ, Richard Gerardi, Yasmina Peker
for translating and helping translate; Sarasa Uchiyama, Annie Apam Xitlali Erendira, Dana Altynbek, Jin Jing Fang, Nihal Harmandar
for networking across the globe;
Uyanga Bold http://www.uyangamusic.com
Kento Itoh http://www.kentoitoh.com/blog
Utku Öğüt, Tolga Ayıklar, Billy Yeung, Nuurma Haragana, Ryoko Seetaa, İpek Büyükdığan, Eren Yalçınkaya, Devon Bartlett
for helping me logistically;
Azimkhan Kozhakhmetov, Sanjmyatav Purevnyam, Jason Lee, Shivaun Cory, Daniya Ozma, Adilbay Orazaliyev, Chechena Badarchy & Arslan Badarchy, Tsendka Tsend-Ayush, Aysa Dadar-ol
Magma Dergis team; http://www.magmadergisi.com
Selcen Küçüküstel, Özcan Yüksek, Kemal Tayfur
for helping me learn Russian; Lena Shukel, Larisa Kagermazova
for helping me learn to throat sing;
Alex Glenfield http://alexanderglenfield.blogspot.com
Special thanks to:
the Berklee Community,
the entire staff of Apple Store Boylston Street